Emery B. Barber

Start Your Journey, by Emery B. Barber

Grace and peace beloved creation of God, How awesome is it to believe, even better, to know that God has a plan for your lives that's greater than you can currently see, that reaches further than your current reach, and that will testify of His greatness that will be manifested through you? Awesome indeed! ​ So what are you waiting for? 2 Peter 1:3 states that: "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness." 

Everything you need to live a life that honors God and fulfills His purpose for your life has been given to you through Christ Jesus. Your job is to appropriate the gift. It's like walking through a garden that you've been given access to. Every fruit in every tree is yours for the picking. The key is that YOU must pick it! What is God calling you to do? "Where do I start?" you might ask. 

Three things to consider: 

1. Start on your knees as you seek to hear the voice of God. Ask God for guidance, and then be still and listen.
2. Open the precious road map God gave to us, remember the timeless acronym for B.I.B.L.E. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Read it.  
    Meditate on it. Know it. No matter what you're dealing with, trust me - it's in The Book! 

3. Finally, live by faith. Start the journey. You'll never get to where you need to be if you don't start the journey. Walk by faith, not according to your own vain imaginations, but according to the illuminating path that God has made for you through His Word. By doing so, you will accomplish things beyond what you could ever envision you could do for yourself. When you hear me say time and again that "it's time to be creative," I mean it's time to walk by faith. It's time to reach up and reach out to appropriate every good and perfect gift that God has made available for you to succeed through our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. 

What I love about this precious experience is that you can't lay hold of the gifts until you surrender and allow the Giver to lay hold of you. Then, you'll really have no more excuses. If you've already taken this step, well you know what I'm going to say right? "Get to steppin'!" It's time to rise-up and be creative! 

For His Glory and Our Good,
Emery B. Barber,
Gifts Activation Consultant/Coach
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Be Creative

"Take hold of your thoughts, dreams, and visions and begin the process of bringing them to fruition." Emery B. Barber 

Creative Focus is one of the topics within the Be Creative framework. It is vital as one begins the visioning process.


(Republished ) In such a fast-paced, hyper-consumptive, ultra-tasking, technology driven age of things it can be difficult to remember what you're doing from one moment to the next, much less complete a task. Many people become jacks of all trades and never really master one - as the adage goes. It has become necessary to strategize to protect one's creative culture. Below please find three simple things that you can do to to enhance your creative focus today.

Elevate your mindset
The Apostle Paul gave this instruction in the 3rd chapter of his letter to the Colossians, "since you have risen with Jesus Christ, set your mind on things above, and not on the things of this world..." Creative focus requires one to rise above the level of activity where most stand and reside. It is quite challenging to see the necessary disruption of issues that prevent one from reaching their fullest potential while struggling at the level of conflict. Detachment is required. Paul is not suggesting a mere mental assent. He is communicating a more essential reality, which leads us to the second thing we must do.

Realize the next level
It is vital to recognize that an essential part of you has already risen to the level that necessitates your creative focus. The Word is communicating that one often lives beneath the privilege of one's heritage, because they have not yet realized that they have been transported from their former level to higher level by virtue of their connection, or should I say relationship with their benefactor. By now you must be asking, "What in the world are you talking about man of God?"

Accept the Truth
We are talking about creative focus today, and yes I backed into this discussion. Here's why. Many of the citizens of the Kingdom of God find it challenging to discuss creativity and innovation outside of secular terms and ideologies. What we need to realize is that there can be no true creativity without the creator. Creative Focus begins with accepting not just the fact that "every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord" (James 1:17), but the very accepting of the Giver of those gifts. By accepting the Giver of the gifts, which is God our Father through Jesus Christ, we move into the flow of and very stream of creativity as we are transported from death to life, from disconnection to re-connection, and brought into the very "presence of the Lord where there is fullness of joy and at His right hand pleasures evermore." Psalms 16:11 That is the place where creativity is sparked, and that is the place of creative focus!

So let's review with the acronym E.R.A., as it is time for us to move into another ERA where we:

Elevate our minds, Realize we have already arrived at the next level, as we Accept the Truth:
Jesus has empowered us to continue the work that He has already begun. Our task is allow ourselves to be used in the stream of God's purpose (creative flow) to bring forth the ideals of His Kingdom on Earth, for His glory and our greater good.

Be Creative,
Emery B. Barber
EBCM - Creative Media Solutions Designed for You
