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Activation Strategies with Emery B. Barber - $497.97 v. $797.97


Everyone has gifts that God has blessed them with to fulfill their purpose in life. Many gifts lay dormant, because some people can't or won't activate their gifts. One of my gifts is to help others explore, define, refine, and activate their gifts. So let's do it! 

✅ One-month access to online audio-book included with course: Strategy for a New Beginning, A Rubric for Worship and Life

✅ Learn 7R's Framework for Leadership Activation

✅ Explore activation of 7R's Framework for Leadership Activation 

Course duration is one month. One-hour sessions to be held virtually on Saturdays at 9:00 AM.

Limited-time Sale: $497.97

#activatenow #activationstrategies #giftsactivationcoach #strategy4new #emerybarber #LetsDotheWork #EBCreativeMedia #EmeryBarber

$497.97 $797.97
