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Books and Media
Digital Influence by Emery B. Barber
Emery provides 5 key steps for crafting Compelling Content in your business engagement. Get yours today!
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Resources for You
Strategy Books and Media
Strategy for a New Beginning by Emery B. Barber
The Word of God is replete with strategies to live a victorious life that honors God and fulfills one's purpose.
Pastor Emery focuses on a Strategy for a New Beginning, as seen through the biblical account of King Hezekiah's reign. He utilizes a series of 7R's that are sure to lead you effectively toward your new beginning.
In addition to the resources he provides in the book, Pastor Emery leads a journey for those who are seeking a guide to explore and refine their Strategy for a New Beginning (See Activate Strategies below). Now available as Audio Book! Get your copy today!
Pastor Emery focuses on a Strategy for a New Beginning, as seen through the biblical account of King Hezekiah's reign. He utilizes a series of 7R's that are sure to lead you effectively toward your new beginning.
In addition to the resources he provides in the book, Pastor Emery leads a journey for those who are seeking a guide to explore and refine their Strategy for a New Beginning (See Activate Strategies below). Now available as Audio Book! Get your copy today!
What a refresher book to my soul! Many things to put into practice for personal and ministry growth. The entire book is a jewel, but what blessed me the most was the presented meaning of repent: "Go back to the Highest Place." Wow! You must read it and let your mind, spirit, and soul be fed with anointed and blessed revelation from the story of King Hezekiah!
— Pastor Sirenaika Tirado, CAIAC Family Worship, Orlando, FL
Related Course
Activate Strategies

Activation Strategies $497.97
Everyone has gifts that God has blessed them with to fulfill their purpose in life. Many gifts lay dormant, because some people can't or won't activate their gifts. One of my gifts is to help others explore, define, refine, and activate their gifts. So let's do it!
✅ Workbook included with course: Strategy for a New Beginning, A Rubric for Worship and Life
✅ Learn 7R's Framework for Leadership Activation
✅ Explore activation of 7R's Framework for Leadership Activation
Course duration is one month. Sessions to be held virtually on Saturdays at 8:00 AM.
Limited-time 50%-off Sale: $497.97
😇 Upon payment, you will receive 📲 or 📨 with the code for our virtual sessions. Looking forward to working with you.
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Your Time Is Now!
Join our online group of visionaries who have committed to "write the vision and make it plain!" Get the guidance and support you need to write, protect, and publish your next book. Let's do the work and bring your vision to fruition!! Get started by sending your email to receive the link to join us online. Below you'll find our new resource, Your Time is Now, Publish Your Book, by Emery B. Barber
Resources for You
Writing Books and Media
Your Time Is Now
You've been writing and publishing your book for years, but never actually got around to writing and publishing it, because all of the what's, how's, and why's eluded you out got in the way.
Let's break down the walls - all of the barriers and make it happen! Get my new e-book, "Your Time Is Now," and Let's Do the Work!

How to Write Your
Every person has a song inside of them. Using the constructs of style, strategy, and structure, Emery shares principles that will empower you to write your new song today.
Words of Faith by Emery and Stephanie Barber
Our Heavenly Father speaks to and through Jeremiah when He says, "You have well seen. I watch over my Word to perform it." What a joy there is in knowing that God watches over His Word to perform it. The imperative for us, as the creation of God, is to know what God has said and is saying at every passing moment. What God says informs us not only of His will for our lives, but should also increase our faith to live, move and have our being according to God's divine leading.
In 2007, the Lord impressed upon the hearts of Stephanie and I to begin writing Words of Faith - devotionals designed to encourage the people of God who we served as pastors of Faith Works Christian Fellowship. We were only able to see part of the picture as we moved by faith. To our surprise, God had intended our devotional emails to later serve as blogs, and eventually as eBooks to impact the lives of people across America, and around the world - all within the digital space.
In 2007, the Lord impressed upon the hearts of Stephanie and I to begin writing Words of Faith - devotionals designed to encourage the people of God who we served as pastors of Faith Works Christian Fellowship. We were only able to see part of the picture as we moved by faith. To our surprise, God had intended our devotional emails to later serve as blogs, and eventually as eBooks to impact the lives of people across America, and around the world - all within the digital space.
Click the Buy button to purchase the collection today!
Be Creative Audio Book by Emery B. Barber
"God has allowed there to be a creative flow of ideas that is hovering just short of everyone's reach. And all we have to do is reach up and take hold of it."
Emery B. Barber
Be Creative is a call to action for us to move out of the "Comfort Zones" we have made for ourselves and to begin to utilize the resources that God has made available literally in our hands.
In addition to the audio/video resources, Pastor Emery leads a journey for those who are seeking a guide to explore their creativity.
Be Creative is a call to action for us to move out of the "Comfort Zones" we have made for ourselves and to begin to utilize the resources that God has made available literally in our hands.
In addition to the audio/video resources, Pastor Emery leads a journey for those who are seeking a guide to explore their creativity.
Click the Buy button to purchase the collection today!

Be Creative, Pt. I, Emery B. Barber